Name: Sherman-Gilbert House |
NRHP Status Code:
HRB Num: 8 |
Status: Designated |
Hearing Date: 08/07/1969 |
Staff Report Num: |
Full Nomination
Location |
Address: 2460 Heritage Park Row
APN: 4433403400 |
Community Plan Area: Old San Diego |
Zip Code: 92106 |
Neighborhood: Old Town |
Redevelopment Area: No |
Description |
Architectural Style: |
Interior Included:
Architect/Designer: Comstock and Trotsche |
Builder: John Sherman |
Historic Individual: John Sherman, the Gilbert Family |
Event: |
Year Built: 1887 |
Misc. Notes: For more information on designation see attached documents. |
District Information |
District Contributor Num: |
Local Designation Criteria
Criteria Notes: |
Mills Act:
Designation Type: